Defender of Marriage

Democracy is a system we been using for some time now. While I have nothing against the gay’s choice of their lifestyle, I think it is wrong for the Supreme court to ignore how the majority of the people voted. They ignored what the American people wanted. As disciples of God, we must remember that we all are children of Heavenly Father. That no one should be overlooked over another. We also must remember that not everyone has been taught the true gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. As we think of this, and the forgiveness that we have received from our own transgression, we too should forgive those who took this in their own hands to satisfy a certain group of people.
It was said in one of the videos for us to keep speaking up and pressing what we believe in. I know that as a church we must stand up for what is true. And the truth is that “Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children” (Family: Proclamation of the World). We also need to teach love. John 13:34-35, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another.” We don’t need to battle out the truth with the world with hate and resentment. You cannot fight hate with hate, all that does is leave a bitter taste in our mouths. We need to fight hate with love. Love our neighbors who teach that marriage can be between gay and lesbian couples. Because that love is what is going to attract their attention to the truth. It will be up to them to accept, the truth, but they will never accept the truth if we are consistently telling them they are wrong and they are an abomination to the world. Think about how you feel when someone tells you are in a cult just because you belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Just because they say it doesn’t make it true. So, we need to keep in mind that just because we believe marriage is between a man and woman and know with all our heart that this is true, will not prove to them it’s true. They have to investigate themselves to seek that truth and through revelation is how they are going to receive that truth. But if we use hate to teach instead of love the Holy Spirit will not be there. And when we use love to teach, if they don’t get it then at least we planted the seed and we gained respect to be heard again for they see your love for them and not your hate.
When you have worked in nursing as long as I have, it is hard to watch those lose the ones they love. I worked in hospice 3 years of my nursing career. I saw some of the ordeals that were mentioned in the “Opinion of the Court,” “about the same-sex couple who partner died and he wasn’t recognized by the state as his spouse.” I couldn’t place a number on how many times I saw this scenario play out. I have seen many who were just as dedicated and some cases even more so, than a husband to a wife or a wife to a husband. And in the same manner, I have seen where they didn’t see any of the inheritance that their partner left for them because either the parents of the deceased or previous children of the deceased contested the will and saw to it he didn’t get anything. Or the taxes were so high on it, that it barely left them enough to pay for the funeral. Is this right? Is this a fair arrangement? I know life isn’t fair but it doesn’t have to be cruel. I know there are consequences for our actions whether it is good or bad, but don’t they deserve at least a portion of the inheritance. They are the ones who cared for their partner in the last days, as well as through their relationship. We wouldn’t stand there and let someone tell us that we had no right to any of our spouses’ possessions. I may not have all the answers but holding back and denying them certain rights doesn’t show that they are loved by God.
I am a defender of God, which in turn makes me a defender of marriage. With this being said, I do stand by the right that marriage is between a man and a woman. If they put it to a vote, I would vote against changing the meaning of marriage. I just wonder if there was someone that they could have been given what they wanted without changing the meaning a marriage, that also gave them the same rights as when a man and woman gets married. And again, this may not be an answer and be considered the same thing. If the vote was to allow gays and lesbians to get married, my vote would be against it just like the last time. But just because I voted against it doesn’t mean I have to be mean and cruel about it.

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Nearly finished with my degree in Marriage and Family Studies. Beginning my business as a Family Life Educator. My company is called Eternal Fingerprints. I am hoping to strengthen families by bringing a stronger connections and overcoming trials.

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